I can't access the Web setup page for my Linksys wireless B router, model BEFW11S4. Browsing to the default IP address,, results in a page not found.

If you are on Windows I suggest that you reset the router to it's defaults and set 2 LAN IP Address on your network controller to speed up the process, otherwise once you upload the CFE_Updater-WRT54G-TM.bin you will need to change your LAN IP Address from to to be able to TFTP DD-WRT onto the router. So if nobody set the IP address on the WRT54G2 and it still thinks it is then all you have to do to gain access (while it is online) is put your system on the same lan (vlan) as the router and add an IP address to your computer in the same network (192.168.1.x). Then you should be able to connect to the management address. Number of IP addresses: 30,000 Number of servers: 3,000+ 3 months free with 1-year plan. Download Now. Norton Secure VPN Best for customer support. Number of servers: 1,500 Dec 18, 2012 · I did install DD-WRT on my Linksys WRT54G2 V1 to gain more controls on this router. One of my main purpose is to set bandwith limit per MAC or per IP to all connected device using this firmware. Just to solve my problem on users that keeps hogging the network and downloading torrents all day that's why I decided to install DD-WRT.

Jun 02, 2009 · Hi. I went into a computer store today and bought a new Cisco / Linksys WRT54g2 V1 router. I put the ip address of the router into the web browser and configured the internet to dhcp assigned ip address from the isp since I use cable boardband and don't have a PPPoE username and password. I then

I'm trying to change the router's IP address from to a number that my work prefers. But, each time I change it, the router goes right back to the default. Any suggestions or similar results? Thanks.

wrt54g2 ip - Cisco Community

dhcp - LinkSys router suddenly cannot get an IP address 2020-6-28 · I have a linksys router WRT54G2 connected to a cable broadband. Just last week, everything was working perfectly - I would be able to connect my laptop to the internet using WiFi. However, starting last week, I suddenly lost my internet connection.