UN thinks internet access is a human right. Tim Sandle, Digital Journal 2016-07-23T03:57:00Z The letter F. An envelope. It indicates the ability to send an email. An image of a chain link.
human right, this resolution is an important milestone for other states to consider.” “The UN’s call for member states to “promote and facilitate access to the internet” is powerful. 68% of the world's population, some 5 billion people, are still disconnected from the Jul 01, 2010 · Internet access 'a human right' 8 March 2010. Sweden is most networked economy . 25 March 2010. World wakes up to digital divide . 19 March 2010. Related Internet links. Department for Culture Jun 06, 2011 · The United Nations counts internet access as a basic human right in a report that bears implications both to on-going events in the Arab Spring and to the Obama administration's war on It is important to remember that human rights, even those that seem so fundamental, have evolved over time and as such, must adapt to new developments. In 2010 Finland became the first country to recognise internet access as a legal right for every citizen and several polls have revealed that a similar opinion exists across the globe. Jul 07, 2012 · The United Nations has ruled that Internet access is a basic human right that should be guaranteed and protected by states. The motion, which was passed on Thursday in Geneva, "affirms that the
The 2003 World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), convened by the UN Secretary General and organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), created another unique opportunity to advance a strong claim for the Internet as a human right.
David Kaye, United Nations special rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression, says Internet access isn’t necessarily a human right but it is vital because it is often the only way for people to exercise the freedoms of expression and association. Jul 05, 2016 · The United Nations Human Rights Council passed a resolution that "condemns unequivocally measures to intentionally prevent or disrupt" internet access. It is the first UN document which addresses the right to freedom of expression and information on the Internet. The main message of the report is that virtual freedom of expression is a human right like any other, needing protection and expansion. The right was proclaimed via an amendment in the Communications Market Act, which stated that universal service also included a functional Internet connection. This meant that as from the beginning of July 2010, the telecom operators that are ‘defined as universal service providers must be able to provide every permanent residence and
(July 12, 2012) On July 5, 2012, the Human Rights Council (HRC) of the United Nations, unanimously adopted a resolution to protect the free speech of individuals on the Internet, the first such U.N. resolution of its kind. The resolution was adopted during the HRC’s 20th session, held July 18-July 6, in Geneva.
A few months ago there was a spate of headlines announcing that the UN had made internet access a human right. It turns out that this claim was rather misleading. What the UN did was pass a resolution emphasizing the importance of internet access for the fulfillment of many human rights. An internet cafe in Istanbul. (UGUR CAN/AFP/Getty Images) A curious op ed appeared in The New York Times recently, titled “Internet Access is Not a Human Right.” In this piece—which I read as I do most news and media, via my computer—Vinton Cerf, a “father” of the Internet, makes an argument that despite the critical role of Information Communication Technologies (the internet) in